Settings and Options 
able to either inherit global settings for Data Mode or define their own. Therefore 
the EPRT and EPSV choices must also be available on a site basis (Site Properties | 
Type page). 
If you connect in PORT mode your session becomes vulnerable to "Port 
theft," where a third party can interfere with transfers. 
Mode Z: 
Mode Z compression compresses files on the fly as you transfer, saving bandwidth and 
improving transfer times. This feature is turned on by default, and is used whenever you 
connect to a server that supports Mode Z. 
Select Apply Mode Z compression to ASCII transfers when possible to use 
Mode Z. 
Transfer files over the browse session 
This feature controls the sessions that files are transferred on. 
If Allow transfers to occur over the existing (browse) session is: 
Checked, files transfer over new and existing sessions. CuteFTP uses the 
browse session and if available, additional connections. For example, If you 
define a per site max limit of five connections and then transfer five files, 
CuteFTP checks the browse connection first to see if it is busy, and if not busy, 
transfers the 1st file over the browse connection. The subsequent four files are 
transferred over four additional sessions. CuteFTP automatically adjusts for 
allowed connections (both from the client and server perspective) and whether 
or not it can use the browse session.  
Checked + CTRL key, files transfer over the exisiting session only. To use 
this, select the files you want to transfer, then press and hold the Ctrl key while 
you drag and drop the files into the destination folder. This forces CuteFTP to 
transfer all the files on the existing session. Transferring files using only the 
currently logged in session can reduce overhead in certain situations. For 
example, a transfer of a large number of small HTML files can often be done 
much faster if limited to the current connection rather than performing a full 
TCP/IP connection and FTP login (and possibly FEAT/CWD/LIST) 
sequence first 
Cleared (unchecked), files transfer over new sessions only. Use this option if 
your server allows multiple connections, is quick to respond, and you want to 
navigate the site while downloading. All transfers are forced over new 
connections, freeing up the browse session so you can continue to navigate. 
The only time may pose a problem is when the server either refuses to allow 
multiple connections or is slow to log into. 
When selecting MAX in a multi part transfer, use 
Select the number of parts to split a file into when a max multi part transfer is 
Global bandwidth limit 






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