Meeting Report #6
Utilities and Environment Police, Ministry of Interior
Interviewed person:
Officer. Ahmed Nasr, Unit Deputy Chief
Date of Meeting:
April 29
, 2002
Mr. Ahmed El Ibiary, Legal Consultant
Eng. Salah M. Abdel Razek, Institutional
Development consultant
Mr. Abd Allah Eliwa, Red Sea Protectorate Office
Purpose of the meeting:
To identify Scope of Work of the Unit in relation to
environment protection and areas for improvement
in cooperation with Red Sea rangers
Main Outcomes:
The Unit is a division of the Ministry of Interior. Also,
it is the designated body for enforcing Law No. 4 for
the Environment in the Red Sea area. One of its
responsibilities is to provide the Red Sea rangers with
the needed legal authority and power to implement
the law.
However, its role in supporting Red Sea rangers is
limited, because most of rangers activities are done
at sea, which rests in Army s jurisdiction.
Coordination between the Unit and Red Sea rangers
is considered Excellent. Coordination actions could
be summarized as follows:
Provide the rangers with the required
authorized personnel to enforce the
environment law at civil areas.
Approach the necessary legal actions against
law violators and present them to courts.
Enforcing the environmental procedures, for
private sector activities as communicated to
the Unit by Red Sea rangers.
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