line Ministries. Furthermore, the Red Sea Protectorate would be best served by hiring a
highly qualified, permanent EEAA employed General Manager. This is particularly
important in light of the eventual hand over. And finally, phasing out of the PSU should be
planned for and implemented gradually from the present time, ensuring that the hand over
is smooth and unit s sustainability is secured.
This report consists of three sections. Following this introduction, the report discusses the
institutional/organizational status of Red Sea rangers as well as the main stakeholders,
spotting coordination opportunities and conflicts, and specifies areas for communications
improvements. Furthermore, the section identifies the main barriers facing Red Sea rangers.
Second section is devoted to describing the institutional set up, organizational status and
stakeholders of NCS. Included is a special section on recommendations for strengthening
the institutional and organizational set up of the NCS and Red Sea rangers.
1. Institutional/Organizational Status of Red Sea Rangers
The administrative level of Red Sea Protectorate (Red Sea rangers) remains at a section level
reporting directly to the Head of the NCS (Dr. Fouda). The Unit lacks formal institutional
and organizational set up; it performs its tasks as a Staff Unit assisting the NCS in relating
matters. Figure 1 shows the current institutional status of the Red Sea rangers.
Figure 1
Institutional Set up of Red Sea Rangers
Natural Protectorates
Red Sea Rangers
The Unit is supported by a highly qualified consultant hired by the PSU project to support
the protectorate office at the Red Sea area and acting as the general supervisor of the Unit.
The consultant, Dr. Mahmoud Hanafy, holds an advanced degree in marine biology
accompanied with extensive experience in environmental management.
Furthermore, Dr. Hanafy works as the environmental consultant to the Governor of Red
Sea, which adds influential political and executive support to the Unit s activities. It is
worth noting that the Governor's support to environmental sector is due to his personal
beliefs in the importance of environment protection for the region. Support from the
Governor is enhanced by good interpersonal relationships.
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