WebHost Manager User Manual 
fixbinpath   Makes sure all bin file paths are correct. 
fixbuggynamed   Updates bind to solve any problems with bugs. 
fixcartwithsuexec   (INTERNAL)   Can be used to fix a cart with suexec. 
fixcgiwrap   (OLD) 
fixcommonproblems   Attempt to fix the most common problems. 
fixetchosts   Fixes problems with /etc/hosts 
fixeverything   Fix common problems and quotas. 
fixfpwml   Fix for .wml errors with frontpage. 
fixheaders   Run if nothing compiles errors with .h files on compile. 
fixhome   (NOT USED)   Unsymlink items. 
fixinterchange   Reinstall interchange Perl modules. 
fixinterchangeperm   fix permissions on a user s interchange cart. 
fixipsnm   Same as addnetmask ips, but Perl though. 
fixlibnet   Reinstall Bundle::libnet (Perl). 
fixlocalhostwithphp   Change /etc/hosts to work better with PHP 4.2.0 + 
fixmailandakopia   (NOT USED) 
fixmailman   Updates and restarts mailman. 
fixmuse   Reinstalls muse. 
fixmysql   Fixes problems with mySQL. 
fixmysqlbsd   Fixes problesm with mySQL on FreeBSD. 
fixnamed   Updates bind to handle many DNS zones (more than 512). 
fixndc   Repair redhat s broken named.conf on 7.2. 
fixndc.new   (INTERNAL) 
fixoldlistswithsuexec   Run after enabling suexec on the server to change 
the URLs that Mailman gives out to ones that don t give a 500 internal 
server error. 
fixperl   Symlink /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl. 
fixperlscript   Makes sure a perlscript includes all corresponding modules. 
fixpop   Fix a POP account and reset password. 
fixproftpdconf   Fixes problems with /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf 
fixproftpdconf~   (INTERNAL) 
fixproftpddupes   Updates proftpd. 
fixquotas   Fix quotas. 
fixrelayd   (OLD) 
fixrh72ndckey   (INTERNAL) 
fixrndc   Fixes named.conf to prevent rndc staus failed. 
fixspamassassinfailedupdate   Reinstalls a failed spamassassin update. 
fixsubdomainlogs   Run if subdomain logs don t show up in cPanel. 
fixsuexeccgiscripts   Fix CGI scripts that are broken after suexec installed. 
fixtrojans   (NOT USED) 
fixvaliases   Fix permisions on valiases. 
fixwebalizer   Repair a Webalizer that has stopped updating. 
fixwebmail   (OLD) 






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