Before You Begin 
Thank you for purchasing ACD/I Lab. 
About This Guide 
This guide provides a comprehensive description of all of the options available in ACD/MS 
Fragmenter, it is designed for either online use or to be printed and used as a  hard copy  
The screen shots shown throughout this guide have been taken with a relatively small window 
The colors and other properties of the window elements described throughout this guide 
correspond with the default Windows Display Properties. 
This reference guide is provided in electronic form, readable with Adobe Acrobat software.  If you 
cannot locate an index topic you need please do a text string search for the relevant word or 
phrase, or related words. 
Note that some of the I Lab services described in this guide may be missing 
on your list!  For I Lab: Intranet Edition, the number of available services 
depends on the ACD/Labs package installed; and for Public I Lab, on the 
login type you currently use. 
Mouse Conventions 
You may perform several actions during your work with this software; the following specific words 
are used to describe them: 
Point to means move the mouse pointer 
 to an item. 
Click or left click means point to an item, and press the left mouse button.   
Right click means point to an item, and press the right mouse button. 
Double click means point to an item, and quickly press the left mouse button twice.   
Drag means point to an item, press and hold down the left mouse button while you move 
the item. 
Select means highlight or make an interface element active by either clicking it or dragging 
over it (other actions are possible if specified in documentation).  If used in "select the 
check box", it means that the check box should be marked with a tick (as opposed to "clear 
the check box" when the check box should be cleared, without a mark). 
ACD/I Lab via ChemSketch 
User s Guide 






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