Enterprise Java for Linux HOWTO 
Note: To use JDBC, PostgreSQL needs to have been started with the  -i  parameter indicating support for
TCP/IP connections rather than solely UNIX domain sockets.  Confirm that postmaster> was started with the
 -i  paramter. 
Create a test database by typing: 
su - postgres
createdb javatest
You should see no error messages. 
Create a test table with one test row.  First, log in to the interactive PostgreSQL tool and connect to the
javatest database you just created by typing (as the postgres user): 
psql javatest
You should see confirmation that you are connected to the database: javatest. 
Then, create the test table by typing (within psql): 
create table test (col1 varchar(255));
You should see the "CREATE" confirmation message. 
Next, insert one row by typing (within psql): 
insert into test (col1) values ( Hello, from PostgreSQL! );
You should see the "INSERT" confirmation message. 
Finally, confirm that the row is there by typing (within psql): 
select col1 from test;  
You should see the row you just created. 
You can exit psql by typing "\ q". 
For more assistance on working with PostgreSQL, I suggest you look into the Database-SQL-RDBMS
HOW-TO document for Linux (PostgreSQL Object Relational Database System) at
You will need to add the appropriate JAR to your CLASSPATH.  The PostgreSQL JARs come in the
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/lib/pgsql/jdbc6.5-1.2.jar
You may need to substitute the path depending you where PostgreSQL is installed on your system. 
 6.4 Oracle 






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