Seismology Instruction with the AS 1
If data has already been collected on this PC but the
AS 1 instrument is not attached at this time, an error
message will be displayed after the AmaSeis program
is launched. The program will still run and be able to
scroll back to previously recorded data or open events
that have been saved to disk.
AmaSeis File Structure
AmaSeis stores data in a set of nested folders. A year's worth of data will take up about
350 megabytes. This can be searched for events at any time. Be aware of the amount of space
the data will take so that you don't fi ll your disk. To erase old data, use the Windows Explorer.
Remember, once it is deleted, you can not recover it.
The path to the AmaSeis directory (if you used a standard install) is My Computer >
System C > AmaSeis. The AmaSeis directory contains data folders, fi les, and the program.
AmaSeis creates a series of nested folders
to store data. The top level folders are divided by
years. In each year folder, there will be 12 month
folders which contain subfolders for each day. The
actual data fi les are saved with the naming
convention hour.z. After the data is placed in the
correct directory structure in the AmaSeis folder
it should be visible. From the Helicorder screen
select Settings > Helicorder and change the Days
to Retain Records option to something big enough
to look back to the time period in question.
AmaSeis references time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
the international time standard. It is the current term for what was
commonly referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero
(0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on
the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24
hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are
expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes).
Conversions of UTC:
Mountain Standard (Tucson) + 7 hours
Eastern Standard (Washington DC) + 5 hours
CAUTION: Keep your computer set to local time, AmaSeis
makes the necessary adjustment based on your time zone setting.
AmaSeis Version 1.0 Level 2005.05.19
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