To upload the samples files to the web server:
In the Files panel (Window > Files), select the root folder of the site in 
the Local View pane.
The root folder is the topmost folder in the list.
Click the blue Put Files arrow icon in the Files panel toolbar, and 
confirm that you want to upload the entire site.
Dreamweaver copies all the files to the web server folder you defined in 
 Defining a remote folder  on page 292
The Dreamweaver site is now defined. The next step is to connect to the 
sample database installed with Dreamweaver.  
Connecting to the sample 
database (JSP)
During installation, Dreamweaver copies a sample Microsoft Access 
database to your hard disk. This section describes how to create a 
connection to the sample database.
For information on connecting to another database, see 
Chapter 27, 
 Database Connections for JSP Developers 
 in Using Dreamweaver.
To create a database connection:
Install the bridge driver (see 
 Installing the bridge driver  on page 296
If you're using a remote computer as a server, set up the sample database 
on the remote computer (see 
 Setting up the database (server on remote 
computer)  on page 297
Create the connection in Dreamweaver (see 
 Creating a database 
connection  on page 298
Connecting to the sample database (JSP) 295






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