Before attempting to connect to the sample database, perform the
following tasks on the remote computer running your web server: copy the
sample database to the computer's hard disk and create a DSN on the
computer that points to the database.
To set up the sample database on the remote computer:
Copy the database to the remote computer's hard disk. If you installed
Dreamweaver to its default location, the path on your local hard disk to
the database file (tutorial.mdb) is as follows:
Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Tutorial_assets\cafe_townsend\
data\tutorial.mdb (Windows)
/Applications/Macromedia Dreamweaver 8/Tutorial_assets/
cafe_townsend/data/tutorial.mdb (Macintosh)
You can place the file in any folder on the remote computer, or you can
create a new folder for it.
There are potential security issues if you place the database file inside the
Inetpub folder on the remote computer. It's better to place the file in a
folder that's not publicly accessible.
Make sure the Microsoft Access Driver, version 4.0 or later, is installed
on the remote computer.
To find out whether the driver is already installed, see
Viewing the
ODBC drivers installed on a Windows system
in Using Dreamweaver.
If the driver is not installed, download and install the Microsoft Data
Access Components (MDAC) 2.5 and 2.7 packages on the remote
computer. You can download MDAC for free from the Microsoft
website at
. These
packages contain the latest Microsoft drivers, including the Microsoft
Access Driver.
Install MDAC 2.5 before installing MDAC 2.7.
Connecting to the sample database (ASP) 281
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