Janet proposes an intranet based web application that performs the
following tasks:
Lets employees enter their mileage on a web page using a simple
HTML form
Stores the employees' mileage in a database
Calculates fitness points based on the mileage data
Lets employees track their monthly progress
Gives Chris one click access to point totals at the end of each month
Janet gets the application up and running before lunchtime using
Dreamweaver, which has the tools she needs to build this kind of
application quickly and easily.
How a web application works
A web application is a collection of static and dynamic web pages. A static
web page is one that does not change when a site visitor requests it: The
web server sends the page to the requesting web browser without
modifying it. In contrast, a dynamic web page is modified by the server
before it is sent to the requesting browser. The changing nature of the page
is why it's called dynamic.
For example, you could design a page to display fitness results, while
leaving certain information (such as employee name and results) to be
determined when the page is requested by a particular employee.
Processing static web pages
A static website comprises a set of related HTML pages and files hosted on
a computer running a web server.
A web server is software that serves web pages in response to requests from
web browsers. A page request is generated when a visitor clicks a link on a
web page, selects a bookmark in a browser, or enters a URL in a browser's
address text box.
How a web application works 219
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