Creating a remote folder with Dreamweaver  If Dreamweaver is your only means of access to the 
remote server, you won't be able to create an empty folder on the remote server until you've completed 
the remote settings in Dreamweaver and established a connection. If that's the case, you can either 
define your host directory as your remote folder, or you can create a remote folder after you've 
established a connection with the server. In either case, continue with the instructions in this tutorial until 
you're connected to a remote server. After you've established a connection, you can use the 
Dreamweaver Files panel to create a new remote folder.
When you establish a connection with a remote server, the Files panel displays all of the files on the 
remote server in Remote view (just as it displays all of the local files on your computer in Local view). To 
display Remote view, select Remote view from the pop up menu at the top of the Files panel, or click 
Expand/Collapse in the Files panel toolbar. When you click Expand/Collapse, the Files panel displays 
both Local view and Remote view simultaneously.
To add an empty folder in Remote view, first display Remote view using one of the methods described 
earlier. (If you don't see your connection initially, click Refresh in the Files panel toolbar.) After you see 
that you're connected to your web server, right click (Windows) or Control click (Macintosh) in Remote 
view and select New Folder.
Refresh button
Expand/Collapse button
For more information, see Chapter 4,  Managing Your Files  in Using Dreamweaver.
In Dreamweaver, select Site > Manage Sites.
In the Manage Sites dialog box, select the Cafe Townsend site. 
If you did not define the Cafe Townsend site, create a local folder for 
the site before you proceed. For more information, see 
Setting Up Your Site and Project Files  on page 49
Click Edit.
In the Site Definition dialog box, click the Advanced tab if the 
Advanced settings aren't showing.
Select Remote Info from the Category list on the left.
Define a remote folder






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