The term cascading refers to your ability to apply multiple styles to the 
same element or web page. For example, you can create one CSS rule to 
apply color and another rule to apply margins, and apply them both to the 
same text on a page. The defined styles  cascade  to the elements on your 
web page, ultimately creating the design you want.
A major advantage of CSS is that it can be updated easily; when you 
update a CSS rule in one place, the formatting of all of the documents that 
use the defined style are automatically updated to the new style.
You can define the following types of rules in Dreamweaver:
Custom CSS rules, also called class styles, let you apply style attributes 
to any range or block of text. All class styles begin with a period (.). For 
example, you could create a class style called .red, set the 
property of the rule to red, and apply the style to a portion of already 
styled paragraph text.
HTML tag rules redefine the formatting for a particular tag, such as 
. When you create or change a CSS rule for the 
 tag, all text 
formatted with the 
 tag is immediately updated.
CSS selector rules (advanced styles) redefine the formatting for a 
particular combination of elements, or for other selector forms as 
allowed by CSS (for example, the selector 
td h2
 applies whenever an 
 header appears inside a table cell.) Advanced styles can also redefine 
the formatting for tags that contain a specific 
 attribute (for example, 
the styles defined by 
 apply to all tags that contain the 
attribute value pair 
For more information, see  About text formatting in Dreamweaver  in 
Using Dreamweaver.
Learn about CSS 103






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