Chapter 1.
Configuration Overview: The GConf System
The GConf system is one of the primary means to configure the users' desktops, therefore a brief
overview of this system is provided below.
Many configurable quantities are accessible via key/value pairs using the graphical GConf editor tool.
This tool is available from the command line using the command
/usr/bin/gconf editor
, or,
more simply by typing
gconf editor
in a terminal. The GConf editor is also available through
Applications (the main menu on the panel) => System Tools => Configuration Editor.
For more detailed information on GConf Editor, refer to the Configuration Editor Manual through
Applications (the main menu on the panel) => Help, and by selecting the Applications Category, then
the Utilities Category, and finally, by selecting the Configuration Editor Manual Document.
Figure 1 1. The GConf Editor
1.1. Background: Configuration Sources
The following provides background material that the administrator may find useful, especially when
saving current desktop preferences.
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