1.3 Adolescent Girls Groups Anti Trafficking Project 
The goal of the Adolescent Girls Groups Anti Trafficking Project is to: 
increase the ability of 891 adolescent girls from nine village 
development committees (VDCs) of Baglung district to resist trafficking 
attempts and to be able to help other girls and women protect themselves 
against traffickers
Although the prime targets are the 891 girls, secondary targets are their peers, parents and 
community members. The goal will  be accomplished through training and awareness 
raising activities that will contribute to the following outcomes for the adolescent girls as 
well as their peers, parents and the community at the end of the six month project.  
Increased ability to recognize three to five signs indicative of trafficking 
Awareness of girls  legal rights against trafficking  
Familiarization with five ways to protect themselves from traffickers  
Ability to communicate this information to 1600 peers, 1150 parents and 2000 
community members 
To indicate that one is knowledgeable of the issues regarding trafficking of girls, the 
project gave a special bracelet 
chetna ko dora
(thread of awareness)
to participants who 
demonstrated thorough knowledge regarding trafficking after undergoing AGGATP s 
training and awareness activities.  
The bracelet was successful as the first step in drawing the attention of people of all ages 
to the issue of trafficking. Furthermore, it motivates participants to learn about the issues. 
The bracelet was popular not only among the primary target population but also  among 
their peers as a majority of the peers mentioned in the final evaluation that they too had 
received the 
. Though the AGGATP aimed to reach a total target of 5,560 people in 
the nine  project VDCs (1,600 peers, 1,150 parents and 2,000 community members), the 
number of recipients numbered 10,500, indicating an increased number of people who 
gained basic knowledge of trafficking and ways to protect against it.    
A four day training program on trafficking of girls issues and interpersonal 
communication was provided to the primary target population of adolescents in the nine 
AMK projects  in Baglung. A one  day orientation workshop, titled  Community 
Management Course  (CMC), was provided  for community members in each of the 
project VDCs of AMK.  
chetana ko dora
 bracelet was a motivating factor that encouraged the target population to learn about trafficking. 
Chetana ko 
thread of awareness
 is an innovative tool introduced in the program areas of AMK to indicate someone who knows at 
least the core criteria of the program: (i) signs indicative of trafficking; (ii) ways to protect against trafficking; and (iii) legal measures 
against trafficking. The color of the bracelet thread is yellow. The color and concept of the thread replicated the Nepali traditional 
custom wherein a single color of thread is bound around the wrist on a religious occasion to ward off sickness and evil. The adolescent 
girls themselves awarded the bracelet to those who could fulfil the criteria encouraging them to spread knowledge of counter 
trafficking and ways to protect against it. 






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