The MEAS Perspective (Based on an interview with its chief executive)
  Its chief executive described MEAS, which was set up with drinks 
industry funding in 2002, as existing to promote and support industry
social responsibility and to work to reduce alcohol related harm, in
contrast to the Drinks Industry Group which has existed for more than
twenty years and which is primarily involved in economic lobbying. She
said that while similar  social aspects organisations  exist elsewhere,
MEAS has not been based on any standard model or template but is
intended to reflect the uniqueness of the Irish situation.
  MEAS has identified three problem areas   underage drinking, drinking
to get drunk and drink driving   which it hopes to tackle;  it fully accepts
the recommendations for creating college alcohol policies laid down in
the national framework document and is committed to working in
partnership with college authorities and student unions  on the
implementation of these policies. 
  To date, MEAS has worked with a number of colleges in implementing
 responsible serving of alcohol   (RSA) programmes in campus bars,
with USI in the development of its alcohol awareness campaign, and with
the University of Limerick and University College Cork in organising
subsidised student gigs   known as MEAS events   which, unlike rag
week events, are intended to have little or no associated alcohol
  MEAS is aware of industry support for the use of the social norms
marketing approach to  problem  prevention on American campuses,
thinks this approach may have some positive applications here   even on
a pilot basis    but at present  has no concrete plans for its
implementation;  it also thinks that social norms marketing should be
approached in an open minded way, and that claims that such
programmes primarily exist to make the industry look good  merely
reflect anti industry prejudice. 






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