The only problem really is the local pub owners I've noticed that many
of the students are getting text messages from the local pubs, so this is
far more efficient and the information is being relayed directly to the
The number of off licences that have sprung up around the place, the
cheap deals and that's something that's hard to monitor .
[Student Services Administrator]
Institutional Ownership of College Alcohol Policies
The final, but obviously important, question to be looked at here is whether
or not colleges have accepted full and ongoing corporate responsibility for
these policies, as opposed to a mere nominal responsibility which really
consists of leaving this issue to the relatively small and peripheral student
services sectors. None of the colleges had yet carried out surveys to
determine the level of awareness of the policy among staff and students,
although a number had plans to do so. However, focus group participants
expressed themselves as pleased with the extent to which their institutions
had taken on this responsibility and were uniformly positive in their
discussion of this question. It was reported that the advertising code and
the sponsorship and promotion guidelines contained in the framework
document which had resource implications as well as the potential to
create tensions between colleges and the drinks industry had been
enforced and adhered to in all colleges. One participant, whose college was
still in the process of ratifying its alcohol policy, commented:
We still don't have a written document but there's a belief in the college
that we do have a policy, which is very interesting it's generally
accepted that there is no alcohol promotional advertising. [College
It was also acknowledged that colleges had adhered to the new codes
governing drinks company sponsorship even when it was clear that this
had led to funding problems:
I think that there's a very serious problem where funding has
dropped its clear to everybody that we need to fund the teams and the
Finally, with regard to institutional ownership, participants expressed
themselves as satisfied that both students and college authorities had
accepted responsibility for the new policies:
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