After each drafting, we gave it out to students and said: come back ,
and they would come back with ideas. It was interesting; we found that
they didn't mind too much about the alcohol as such; it was the finance
and where they were going to get it.
[College Chaplain]
Alcohol Control Strategies and Alcohol Education
The national framework document, in line with evidence based public health
approaches to the reduction of alcohol related harm, advocated a range of
environmental control strategies, as opposed to traditional, individual
alcohol education strategies. For college staff charged with the
responsibility of devising policies incorporating such control strategies,
there are perhaps two main difficulties which arise. The first of these is that
it cannot be assumed that in the broader college communities there is much
familiarity with or understanding of the evaluative literature on alcohol harm
reduction or problem prevention a literature which is unequivocal in its
conclusion that education or persuasion has only a limited role to play and
in its support for environmental control strategies. The second difficulty is
that, lacking this grasp of the research evidence, college staff are intuitively
likely to favour educational strategies, and to regard control strategies
which challenge the accessibility and normality of alcohol on campus as
being of a kill joy or paternalistic nature. On the whole, focus group
discussion revealed some ongoing policy controversy on these themes but
no major rejection of control strategies; as the following quotes show, staff
criticism of environmental strategies tended to be based anecdotally on
reminiscence of their own student days rather than on the research
Sometimes we get negative feedback, probably in a humorous way, from
academic staff talking about their college days and the amount of drink
they drank and that we [now] have a police state . You know:
what harm did it do them; you have to have excess time and then move
on .
[Student Health Service Nurse]
Just to comment on the academics who drank when they were in college:
[they] were just a couple of pints of Guinness drinkers and not really into
the Alcopops , and they're not really aware of the Smirnoff Ice on
draught thing; and if you said any of that to them, they would be
shocked to hear of the quantities students are drinking now they have
more money now.
[Student Services Administrator]
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