Drafting and Formally Approving College Alcohol Policies
Focus group data revealed that there was no single or uniform process for
drafting and formally approving a college alcohol policy but that different
colleges had approached this task in different ways, both procedurally and
in terms of staff involved in this process.  It was reported that the initiative
in creating college alcohol policies had been variously taken by student
service administrators or student service professionals (including doctors,
nurses, counsellors and chaplains), by health promotion groups or by
members of academic staff   almost always in collaboration with Student
Unions.  What also emerged from these groups was a clear sense that the
process of drafting the alcohol policy had generated an energy and
enthusiasm which was seen as important in its own right, whether the policy
was formally ratified by college authorities or whether there was a delay in
this process.  The diversity, and complexity, of approaches to devising
college alcohol policies is illustrated in the following quotes: 
The Director of Student Affairs actually wrote the policy, and various
people from student affairs   including counselling, careers, retention,
chaplains and access services, and of course the Students Union   had an
input, but he wrote the policy.
[Student Affairs Administrator]
I came to it slightly by accident  I looked at some of the policies in the
different colleges and I drafted one for [name of college] and passed it
along to the Student Services, the Sports Officers and the Students
Union;  so  I went to each individually and got their opinion.
Student Participation in Drafting & Implementing College Alcohol
In general, focus group members reported that the student population had
agreed with and supported the drafting of college alcohol policies; no
coherent or sustained opposition by students to this process was reported,
and such objections as were made were largely concerned with the
threatened withdrawal of drinks industry funding for student societies or
specific student events.  These quotes are broadly representative of the
overall tone of group discussion on student participation in the policy
Students were happy to be part of it and didn't object to any of the
elements of it;   [there were] no issues, the Ents Officer also participated
and was happy enough. 
[Student Services Manager]






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