The total volume of alcohol consumed per head of student (based on the
total sample of students) was 18.3 litres of pure alcohol for males and 10.8
litres for females. While very few students drank daily, 74% of male students
and 70% of female students drank at least once a week.  Binge drinking at
least once a week, defined as drinking at least 75 grams of pure alcohol per
occasion (at least 4 pints of beer or a bottle of wine or equivalent), was
reported by 61% of male students and 44% of female students. Overall,
third year students had fewer regular binge drinkers. Among males, first
year students had the highest proportion of weekly binge drinkers (64%).
Among females, second year students (49%) were the highest binge
drinkers. When the frequency of binge drinking occasions were related to
the overall number of drinking occasions, the results showed that out of
every 100 drinking occasions 76 ended up in binge drinking for male
students and 60 for female students (Figure 14).  
Figure 14: High Risk Drinking by gender
(%) 40
At least weekly
Binge per 100
binge drinking
drinking occasions
4.9.3c. Experience of Adverse Consequences
There was a high level and range of harm/problems experienced by
students as a result of their drinking.  Three quarters (74%) of male students
and two thirds of female students (65%) experienced at least one harm
during the last 12 months as a result of their alcohol use.  There was a high
prevalence of adverse consequences relating to their drinking such as
 regretted things said or done after drinking  (62%),  felt effects of alcohol
while at class/work  (50%),  missed school/work days  (44%) and  harmed
studies/work  (28%). A higher proportion of male students experienced
these harms in comparison to their female counterparts (Table 21). Male
students were twice as likely to have been in a fight, in an accident and had
unprotected sex in comparison to female students.  One in four male
students and one in five female students experienced money problems as a
result of their own drinking.  






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