A national lifestyle survey among undergraduate full time students was
undertaken in 21 third level colleges in Ireland during the academic year
2002/2003.  The colleges included the seven universities, twelve institutes of
technology and two colleges of education, giving a total undergraduate
student population of over 100,000 (Annex 1).  A national sample size was
calculated using a 3% precision and a 95% degree of confidence, with a
breakdown for the colleges based on each college population. A detailed
protocol was provided.  Each college was required to generate a random
sample from the computerised enrolment list of their full time
undergraduate students, to distribute the questionnaire by mail and to
collect the completed questionnaires by either mail or drop off points on
campus.  A national prize draw was provided as an incentive to return
The questionnaire contained several sections including student living
conditions, general health, mental health, dietary habits, exercise habits,
accidents and injuries, sexual health and substance use   tobacco, illegal
drugs and alcohol. The questions were based on existing items used in
similar international, national and college surveys on lifestyle issues. The
national survey of SLAN was used for items on general health, dietary
habits, physical activity, tobacco and drug use and for some of the alcohol
. The items on accidents and injuries were from HBSC survey as were
a few of the sexual health questions
. The mental health section was from
two sources, a college and school survey
. The international ECAS survey
was used for items on drinking patterns
, the Trinity College survey for
sexual health
and the Higher Education Authority European Student Survey
for questions on student income and expenditure
Data were analysed using the SPSS X statistical package. The analysis
examined differences between gender and across year in college. All of the
gender analyses were reported in this study and the statistically significant
(p<.01) variables across year in college were also reported.






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