3. Alcohol related harm: The extent of alcohol related harm experienced by
college students was particularly high and of major concern. High risk
drinking was very common among college undergraduate students both
in terms of total alcohol consumption and of binge drinking. Although
binge drinking was highest among males, the rate of binge drinking
among female students was almost twice that of a similar age group in
the general population. The likelihood of college students experiencing
problems and harm increased with more frequent binge drinking
episodes. The results from this study show that the drinking pattern
among college undergraduate students clearly has the potential to
interfere with their academic performance, given that many students
missed days, reported their study/work was harmed from drinking and
also felt the effects of drinking while at class/work. The physical well
being and welfare of students was also compromised due to the risk of
fights, accidents, high risk sexual activity, which was also compounded
with financial and relationship problems. Students themselves recognised
they needed to cut down on their drinking and felt their drinking was
harming their health. In addition, regular binge drinkers spent less time in
study and more time in work, and spent more money on alcohol. They
were also more likely to be involved in other risk taking behaviours and
were less likely to use positive coping strategies when dealing with
anxiety and depression.
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