There were many reasons why students did not always use condoms.  The six
most common reasons reported were; don't plan, single partner, loss of
sensation, impaired judgement due to alcohol, prefer other methods and loss
of spontaneity. Availability and cost were also issues for some. Comparing the
reasons between males and females, a higher number of female students said
single partner or preferred other methods were reasons for non use of
condoms.  A higher number of males stated they don't plan and that
availability and cost were reasons for non use of condoms.  The rate of sexual
activity in this study was similar to the 20 24 age group in the national lifestyle
survey.  Binge drinking was also found to be a factor in unprotected sex
One in four (27%) of all students were current smokers, smoking on average
seven cigarettes per day, with males smoking more than females.  While the
average age when students started to smoke and drink was similar (15 years),
a higher number were smoking by 14 years in comparison to drinking (40% vs
19%).  A higher number of first and second year students started smoking
before they were 14 years old in comparison to third year students (46%,
44%, 33%).  This was especially the case for female students, where over half
of first year female students had begun smoking before they were 14 years
old. Of particular interest is that one quarter of all students who had smoked
in the past were no longer smokers. Three quarters of all smokers had tried to
stop smoking and nearly all wanted to quit.  When asked to identify what
would help them quit smoking, the four most important factors were: more
will power, less stress, a price increase on tobacco and more confidence to
stop. The prevalence of smoking was lower in the student population in
comparison with a similar group in the general population
Cannabis was the most common illegal drug used by students, with over one 
third (37%) reporting they had used it in the past 12 months and one in five
(20%) had used cannabis in the past 30 days.  A higher number of male
students reported using cannabis both in the last year (45%) and in the last 30
days (30%) in comparison to female students. Ecstasy was the second most
used illegal drug, although at a much lower level (8% in past 12 months) than
cannabis.  Drug use in the student population was much higher than in the
national drug prevalence survey
. Cannabis use in the past 12 months was
11% among a similar age group (15 24 years) in the national survey and
ecstasy use was 3%. 
The reasons why most students usually consumed alcohol were for sociability,
enjoyment and relaxation.  However, one in ten students used alcohol to
forget worries and one in twenty used alcohol when anxious or depressed.
Although low, more males drank because they were lonely or to be polite, in






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