Clan web hosting - We can host website of almost any game clan available on the internet now! Vision Web Hosting Inc. have hosted clan web hosting sites of Call Of Duty, Counterstrike, Warcraft III, Diablo 2, World Of Warcraft, Command&Conquer, COD 2 and many other games. Check more below about our web hosting clan services.
A clan is a group of people united by kinship and descent, which is defined by
perceived descent from a common ancestor. Even if actual lineage patterns are
unknown, clan members nonetheless recognize a founding member or apical
ancestor. As kinship based bonds can be merely symbolical in nature some clans
share a "stipulated" common ancestor, which is a symbol of the clan's unity.
When this ancestor is not human, this is referred to as animallian totem.
Generally speaking, kinship differs from biological relation, as it also
involves adoption, marriage, and fictive genealogical ties. Clan can be most
easily described as sub-groups of tribes and usually constitute groups of 7000
to 10 000 people.
Some clans are patrilineal, meaning its members are related through the male
line; for example, the clans of Armenia. Others are matrilineal; its members are
related through the female line. Still other clans are bilateral, consisting of
all the descendants of the apical ancestor through both the male and female
lines; the clans of Scotland are one example. Whether a clan is patrilineal,
matrilineal, or bilateral depends on the kinship rules and norms of their
In different cultures and situations a clan may mean the same thing as other
kin-based groups such as tribes and bands. Often, the distinguishing factor is
that a clan is a smaller part of a larger society such as a tribe, a chiefdom,
or a state. Examples include Scottish, Chinese, and Japanese clans, which exist
as kin groups within Scottish, Chinese, and Japanese society, respectively.
Note, however, that tribes and bands can also be components of larger societies.
Arab tribes are small groups within Arab society, and Ojibwa bands are smaller
parts of the Ojibwa tribe.
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