The Future and the Popes 241
John Paul II will have a Pontificate distinguished for seeking Peace around
the world. He is correctly called the Pope of Peace.
St. Malachy's prophecy about John Paul II fit his Pontificate well, once it
began. But, before being elected Pope, Karol Wojtyla did not distinguish
himself by traveling constantly. The next Pope after John Paul II may not
have distinguished himself yet in works of peace making. Or, he may have
distinguished himself in peace making in God's eyes, but not yet in the eyes
of the world.
b. Some say that this prediction of St. Malachy, From the Glory of the
Olive, refers to the Order of St. Benedict, because they have a well known
group within their order called the `Olivetans.' There is some merit to this
idea. But it does not mean that this Pope will come from the Order of St.
Benedict, but rather that he will take the name of Saint Benedict and will
live in imitation of him.
c. The next Pope after John Paul II will take the name Pope Benedict XVI,
in imitation of Saint Benedict and also of Pope Benedict XV. Just as Pope
Benedict XV was an emissary of peace, so will Pope Benedict XVI be an
emissary of peace. Just as Pope Benedict XV sought peace and spoke of
peace and wrote papal documents seeking peace, so will Pope Benedict XVI
do also. Just as Pope Benedict XV failed to achieve peace in the world, so
will Pope Benedict XVI fail to achieve peace in the world. Just as the
Pontificate of Benedict XV began prior to World War I, so will the
Pontificate of Benedict XVI occur prior to World War III. After the
Pontificate of Benedict XVI, World War III will begin. The Arab nations
will threaten and attack the United States; they will threaten, attack, invade
and conquer Europe; they will threaten, attack, invade and conquer the
northern part of Africa. It is God's will.
d. Pope Benedict XVI will be like Saint Benedict, who lived in the fifth and
sixth centuries. He will be a man dedicated to peace and holiness. There is
another Saint Benedict, a well known Saint called Saint Benedict the Black
(il moro santo, the holy Moor). Pope Benedict XVI will also be like Saint
Benedict the Black. Pope Benedict XVI will be a black man, like Saint
Benedict the Moor. He will be a holy Pope, who reinforces the teaching of
the Church in opposition to the errors of modern culture.
e. Pope Benedict XVI is mentioned in Sacred Scripture, in a hidden manner.
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