204 The Bible and the Future of the World
deception to lead people astray from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. For
during that perilous time, there will not only be a false Savior, the
Antichrist, but also these false resurrections. There will be false miracles and
a false Eucharist (the abomination). In many ways, the events of this time
will be an evil imitation of events in the life of Jesus the true Christ.
Any means of publication, communication, or entertainment can be used
for evil or for good. The phrase bad books (or evil books ) refers to all
types of media, including: books, magazines, television shows, videos,
movies, electronic games, internet sites, and whatever additional kinds of
media are developed in the future. The Virgin Mary is warning us about a
time when there will be much evil in all these things.
How much evil there will be on earth for temples to be built for the
worship of evil spirits! Even some priests will be led and controlled by the
forces of evil on earth. No one can be said to be a servant of God merely
because they have power to perform miracles and wonders. It is the virtues
of humility, love, meekness, self denial and self sacrifice, faith and patient
endurance which show that one truly follows Christ. Do not be led astray by
miraculous powers.
The success of evil on earth during this dark time will occur because of the
lack of true faith on earth. The people will be led astray by false teachings
and the bad example of those who live unholy lives. Even many leaders in
the Church will be very sinful: seeking power, self indulgence, and wealth,
while abandoning humility, self denial, and poverty.
Recall that during the time of Jesus' ministry many of the Jewish leaders,
scribes, and Pharisees also sought power, honor, and riches. Jesus criticized
them at length for these sins (Mt 23). So also, in the time leading up to the
reign of Antichrist, many leaders of the Church will become like those
scribes and Pharisees. You see then, Jesus was not merely criticizing the
religious leaders of His own time, He was speaking about this future time for
the Church.
Jesus warned us about false prophets (Mt 7:15 23). He was referring to
leaders in the Church who have gone astray. In those days it will be difficult
for those faithful servants of God who must endure some evil leaders
because these, for a time, will have power within the Church. Jesus' true
disciples will know to follow the Shepherd, not the wolves in sheep's
To those who are under a vow of obedience, I say, your obedience to God
requires you to be disobedient to sin. If you are told under obedience to
commit a sin, or to assist someone else in committing a sin, you must refuse.
Your vow of obedience is first of all obedience to God. Never does the vow
of obedience require anyone to be obedient to one who has abandoned
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