From the Book of Revelation 179
on earth, to bring an end to the reign of sin, and to punish unrepentant
sinners. It is God who is saying, It is done!
The events of the seventh bowl of plagues includes extraordinary
lightning, thunder, and noises. There is a great earthquake such as had
never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake. (Rev
16:18). This is a worldwide earthquake. Cities all over the world are
destroyed: the cities of the nations fell. (Rev 16:19).
But the great city, Jerusalem, is not destroyed; instead it is split into three
parts. The same earthquake by which God levels the cities of the world, He
also uses to redesign the holy city of Jerusalem, the city of Jesus Christ.
This earthquake changes the surface of the earth, destroying islands and
leveling mountains. Compare the description from the sixth seal, every
mountain and island was removed from its place (Rev 6:14), to the
description from the seventh bowl, every island fled away, and no
mountains were to be found. (Rev 16:20). In the earlier event of the sixth
seal, the islands and mountains are moved; they change location and shape.
But in the later event of the seventh bowl, all the islands and mountains
disappear. These events of the seven bowls of plagues (25th century) are
even more intense than the events of the first six seals (during the Forty
Years in the 21st century).
And there is also a great hailstorm, with extremely large hailstones,
heavy as a hundredweight. (Rev 16:21). This hailstorm was foreshadowed
by the hailstorm which God brought upon the Egyptians during the time of
Moses and Aaron (Ex 9:18 26). There was also a previous storm of hail,
along with fire (Rev 8:7), as part of the first trumpet of the seventh seal (21st
century). There are two hailstorms described in Revelation because the
sufferings of the tribulation are divided into two periods of time, with one
hailstorm for each time. In the earlier hailstorm in the 21st century (Rev
8:7), the hail is not ice from a cloud but pieces of a comet.
I do not know
what will be the source of this later hailstorm (Rev 16:21) in the 25th
century. The hail is described differently, without reference to fire, and so it
may possibly have a different source.
The Completion of the Seven Seals
All of the events of the seven seals take place within a period of
approximately 430 years, about the length of time that the Israelites lived in
Egypt (Exodus 13:40). The events of the first seal begin in the two year
period of time: A.D. 2009 and 2010. The Arab nations will make war, first
against one another, thereafter against the United States, and Europe, and
northern Africa. The small war among the Arab nations begins in A.D.
2009. The subsequent great war (World War III) begins in 2010, but
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