128    The Bible and the Future of the World 
tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the 
terrible judge will judge the people. 
    Peter the Roman is the last Pope listed by Saint Malachy, but he will not 
be the last Pope for the Church on earth. There will be many Popes after 
Peter the Roman; those later Popes are simply not listed by Saint Malachy. 
Peter the Roman is the last Pope before the destruction of Vatican City. 
    That persecution of the Church which begins when Peter the Roman is 
Pope is called the final persecution. But this will not be the last persecution 
which the Church will suffer. Rather, this persecution occurs at the time of 
the beginning of the sufferings described in the book of Revelation. Those 
events unfold over a period of more than 400 years. This persecution is 
called the last persecution because it is the start of a long series of events 
(including much suffering for the Church) which, when completed centuries 
later, will bring an end to the reign of sin on earth and will establish Christ's 
Reign of peace and holiness. 
    The seven hilled city is Rome, which will be completely and thoroughly 
destroyed in the war between the Arab nations and Europe. But this is not 
the end of the world. The statement that  the terrible judge will judge the 
people  means that the events described in the Book of Revelation have 
begun, leading to a severe judgment and punishment of the world (in the late 
2030's) and eventually leading to the completion of the sufferings  of the 
Church on earth (in the 2430's), followed by the Return of Jesus in glory and 
the establishment of His Reign on earth during the Millennium of peace and 
holiness. Rome will again be destroyed before the worst of the sufferings of 
that later time (in the 25th century). So, the destruction of Rome, followed 
by God's judgment upon the earth, occurs twice (during the Forty Years and 
in the mid 25th century). 
    The first Pope after John Paul II, the one just before Peter the Roman, is 
described with the phrase,  From the Glory of the Olive.  This has been 
interpreted to mean that this Pope will be a Benedictine, because a branch of 
the Benedictines is called  Olivetans.  This Pope will not be a Benedictine. 
But he will take the name Pope Benedict XVI. And, like Saint Benedict the 
Black, he will be a black man from Africa. This Pope will reign during the 
time just before the terrible war between the Arab nations and Europe. He 
will constantly seek peace, the olive branch, between nations, between 
religions between Christian groups. But he will not be able to bring peace to 
the nations because peace is for a later time. The olive branch is a symbol of 
peace; the glory of the olive is peace. As his reign ends, war begins. This 
Pope's reign will end before the time of war in Europe begins. The reign of 
Pope Benedict XVI will be brief. Shortly before his death, he will suggest 
making three places in Jerusalem, a Church, a Temple, and a Mosque. But 
his plan will be superceded by war. 






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