118    The Bible and the Future of the World 
The Loss of the Ark of the Covenant (1 Samuel 4:1 7:1) 
     So the Philistines fought, and Israel was defeated, and they fled, every 
man to his home; and there was a very great slaughter, for there fell of Israel 
thirty thousand foot soldiers. And the ark of God was captured; and the two 
sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.  (1 Samuel 4:10 11). 
    The Israelites fought against the Philistines and lost a battle. So they 
brought the Ark of the Covenant into battle with them. Then Israel was 
again defeated, and this time they lost many more soldiers than in the 
previous battle. 
    The Philistines then captured the Ark of the Covenant (containing the 
tables of stone with the Ten Commandments). The Philistines were 
punished by God for capturing the Ark of God, and after a period of time, 
they returned the Ark to the Israelites. 
    These events foreshadow that time when the Holy Eucharist and the Holy 
Mass will be mostly taken away from the Church. The Israelites thought 
that  they could not possibly lose the Ark of the Covenant. So also, many 
Christians will think that God would not allow the Holy Eucharist and the 
Holy Mass to be mostly taken away from them. They are mistaken. Just as 
the Israelites lost the Ark of God for a time, then regained it, so too, will the 
Church mostly lose the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Mass for a time and 
then regain them. 
Seven Months to Bury the Dead 
     Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go forth and make fires 
of the weapons and burn them ... and they will make fires of them for seven 
years.  (Ezek 39:9). 
     For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them, in order to 
cleanse the land.  (Ezek 39:12). 
    This passage from Ezekiel (Ezek 39:9 16) describes the clean up after a 
great war. This is not a typical war with battles of one side against another. 
Instead, God fights against and destroys the enemy by supernatural means 
(Ezek 39:1 8). Then the weapons of war are burned (or used as a source of 
fuel) and the dead are buried. The time referred to occurs three times, first, 
after the end of the Forty Years (in 2040 and following). Then there will 
need to be a clean up of the huge number of people who died during the 
Three Days of Darkness (Rev 9:15). And they will need a way to dispose of 
the weapons of war, since a time of peace begins in the 2040's. 
    Second, at the end of Antichrist's reign (Rev 19:21), very many people 
will die during God's punishment of the wicked. And there will need to be 






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