From the Book of Daniel 101
the punishment of the wicked occurs, and then the establishment of God's
kingdom on earth, which is called the Millennium, a time of great peace and
holiness over all the earth.
During the 45 days and the subsequent time for repentance, some of those
who previously opposed and persecuted the Church will repent and turn to
God and be saved. Even though such persons have sinned much against
God, with God all things are possible. Recall how Saul persecuted the
Church much, but then was converted and became Saint Paul the Apostle
(Acts 9:1 22). The grace of God never fails to bear fruit, even among great
The Kingdom of God (Dan 7:13 14)
I watched, therefore, in the vision of the night, and behold, with the
clouds of heaven, one like a son of man arrived, and he approached all the
way to the ancient of days, and they presented him before him. And he gave
him power, and honor, and the kingdom, and all peoples, tribes, and
languages will serve him. His power is an eternal power, which will not be
taken away, and his kingdom, one which will not be corrupted.
(Dan 7:13 14).
After all these events, dominion is given to Jesus Christ, the Son of man,
the Son of God. Therefore, from this time on, the world is ruled by
Christianity, not by political leaders and their armies. This is the glorious
time of the Millennium, a time of more than a thousand years of peace,
humility, faith, love, and holiness over all the earth. `Yet it is the saints of
the Most High God who will receive the kingdom, and they will hold the
kingdom from this generation, and forever and ever.' (Dan 7:18).
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