From the Book of Daniel    79 
The First War of the Forty Years 
     After this, I saw the ram brandishing his horns against the West, and 
against the North, and against the Meridian, and all the beasts could not 
withstand him, nor be freed from his hand, and he did according to his own 
will, and he became great.  (Dan 8:4). 
    The ram represents Iran, Iraq, and the other Arab nations.  They first 
brandish their horns, i.e. they threaten, the West (the United States), the 
North (Europe), and the Meridian (Africa, towards the Equator). Then they 
attack to the West, to the North, and towards the Equator (Meridian). This 
is the beginning of World War III. Early in World War III, the Arab nations 
use a nuclear weapon against New York City (sometime from 2010 to 2013, 
inclusive, probably in 2010). 
    The Arab nations  threaten and attack the United States.  Next, they 
threaten, attack, invade, and conquer Europe and parts of Eastern Europe. 
Then they also threaten, attack, invade, and conquer parts of Africa, 
towards the equator. The Arab forces will be unstoppable in Europe. 
Eventually, all of Europe will be attacked, conquered, and occupied. NATO 
will be defeated and disbanded. The United Nations will cease to exist. 
    The phrase  all the beasts could not withstand him  means that no 
country or group of nations will be able to stop the Arabs from attacking and 
conquering all of these areas. It is God's will for them to invade and conquer 
large areas. However, God will not allow them to reach or surpass the 
Equator; they can be stopped before the Equator in Africa.  
    The Arab nations will magnify and exalt themselves, oppressing the 
peoples of the conquered nations for many years. After World War III ends, 
the Arab forces will remain in control of a large portion of the world, 
including Europe, much of Eastern Europe, the Middle East (but not Israel), 
and parts of northern Africa, above the Equator. 
    World War III is the First of the Seven Seals in the book of Revelation. It 
is also the First of the Four Horsemen. But the end of the world is hundreds 
of years away. This is not the end; no, far from it. But this is the beginning 
of a long series of events stretching over hundreds of years, that eventually 
leads to the end. 
The War at the End of the Forty Years 
     And I understood, and behold, a he goat among she goats came from the 
West above the face of the entire earth, and he did not touch the ground. 
Furthermore, the he goat had a preeminent horn between his eyes. 
And he went all the way to the ram that had the horns, which I had seen 
standing before the gate, and he ran towards him in the force of his strength. 






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