36 The Bible and the Future of the World
the Church will endure during the last half of Antichrist's reign. The widow
represents the Church, which will be comforted by God during this time of
suffering. Elijah represents one of the two prophets whom God will send
during that time to guide and comfort the suffering Church (Rev 11:3 4).
The Two Boats (Luke 5:1 11)
And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, `Put out into the
deep and let down your nets for a catch.' And Simon answered, `Master, we
toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.'
And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as
their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to
come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they
began to sink. (Luke 5:4 7).
The two boats represent two parts of the Church. At first, the fisherman
are not fishing, they are out of their boats cleaning their nets. This represents
the leaders of the Church focusing on improving the Church internally, not
on the conversion of sinners to God. They fished all night and caught
nothing, meaning that the Church had previously tried to gain the
conversion of sinners and was mostly unsuccessful. Night represents a dark
time for the Church, a time of difficulties for the faithful, when sin rules the
Jesus arrives and teaches the people from one of the two boats, Simon
Peter's boat. This represents Jesus' teaching coming from the office of the
Pope, and more from one part of the Church than from another. Notice that
Jesus sends out only one boat for the catch. Jesus will send out one part of
the Church to seek the repentance and conversion of sinners to the Faith.
Even though previously the Church was unsuccessful in this task, they will
now be hugely successful.
Their partners in the other boat, meaning the other part of the Church,
will come to assist them. So many sinners will be converted that the Church
will strain under the weight of it all. All will be astonished at the number of
conversions and at the depth of their conversion. And they left everything
and followed him (Luke 5:11). Even very great sinners will be converted.
Notice how actual events, which occurred to Jesus and His disciples, also
have a prophetic and symbolic meaning for the Church in future times. This
is also true for many events described in both the Old Testament and the
New Testament. Some prophesies are words which predict the future. Other
prophesies are actual events which symbolize other events in the future.
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