From the Gospel of Matthew 25
go down to take what is in his house; and let him who is in the field not turn
back to take his mantle. And alas for those who are with child and for those
who give suck in those days! Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on
a sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from
the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.'
(Mt 24:15 21).
In Matthew 24:15 28, Jesus describes the time of the Church's worst
suffering, the time of the Crucifixion of the Church. This time of suffering
(during the 2430's) lasts nearly seven years and occurs under the reign of
Antichrist, before the Millennium of peace and holiness.
The beginning of this time is marked by the desolating sacrilege spoken
of by the prophet Daniel (Mt 24:15). This sacrilege is also called the
abomination which makes desolate (Dan 11:31). The abomination is a false
Eucharist, a most horrible perversion of that Most Holy Sacrament, an evil
imitation of Christ's perfect food. The abomination is invented by false
disciples of Christ, by false prophets and faithless Christians, who are
Christian in name only. The abomination is said to be standing in the holy
place because it is put in church tabernacles in place of the Holy Eucharist.
The abomination begins during the time of the ten kings, when the
Antichrist, as one of the ten kings (the king of the North, i.e. Europe),
defeats the king of the South (a Christian who rules over Israel, the Middle
East and parts of northern Africa). The kingdom of the South is the only one
of the ten kingdoms that tolerates Christianity. After the defeat of the king of
the South, the last bastion of Christianity is defeated and the abomination is
set up in holy places (in A.D. 2430). However, the abomination is not
dominant until about halfway through the Antichrist's reign over the whole
world. At that time, the Antichrist is forced to withdraw from battle because
of ships, from a democratic area of the world, led by Roman Catholics. He
then takes his anger out on the Church by supporting those heretical
Christians who had devised the abomination. Then the abomination
supplants the Eucharist through the laws and support of the Antichrist.
When this occurs, faithful Christians must flee. The phrase those who
are in Judea (Mt 24:16) means those Christians who have remained faithful
to God. When Israel was divided into Judea and Samaria, it was the tribe of
Judah which remained faithful to all of the Jewish law and practices. Jesus'
human ancestry included the tribe of Judah (Luke 3:23 30). And Holy
Scripture calls Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5).
Notice that Jesus gives a different instruction to Christians living at this
point in time. He tells them to flee to the mountains (Mt 24:16) with such
urgency as to not go back for a mantle (or coat), nor for any belongings. For
the earlier sufferings, the instruction was different; Jesus said, see that you
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