viii The Bible and the Future of the World
Jerusalem to the year 2009. Once the decision is made, the building of the
Temple will take many year longer.
Most of my other predictions have kept their same dates or time frames
throughout all versions of this book. The content of each prediction has
remained much the same also. However, I would like to point out an error
in my prediction about the martyrdom of the Pope. Formerly, I thought that
the Pope who will be martyred would be John Paul II. This mistake was
partly a result of my mistake placing the war between the Arab nations and
Europe too soon. You see, the Pope will be martyred as a result of that war.
But, since I now believe that the war begins in 2010, I also have concluded
that the Pope who will be martyred will not be John Paul II. Which Pope
will be martyred at the start of that war? Not the first after John Paul II, but
the second. See chapter 9 for details.
Are there any other errors in this book? There could be. It is easier, when
interpreting Holy Scripture, to understand what will occur and more difficult
to determine when something will occur. I cannot be certain that every
prediction that I have made based on the Holy Scripture will occur at the
time and in the way that I have understood it. But, despite my
misunderstandings, every prediction of Holy Scripture will be fulfilled in its
proper time. I am fallible, but Holy Scripture is infallible.
In this fifth edition, I have narrowed the time frame for the small war
among the Arab nations (which precedes and prepares for World War III) to
specifically the year 2009, instead of saying 2009 or 2010. I have made the
dates for the unification of all Christians in one Catholic Church more
specific. I have some more specific dating and information related to the ten
kings and the Antichrist. I also have more specific information about future
popes. I have included some of these additions as articles appended to the
book as well as in material integrated into the chapters.
Some People Will Be Upset
My interpretations of certain passages of Holy Scripture will likely be
upsetting to some persons. Is there any way to write with honesty and not
upset anyone? Yet when such persons discover that my interpretations have
come true, they will be more upset than ever.
Concerning the future Arab invasion and occupation of Europe, I do not
mean that every Arab is responsible for that war or the oppression which
follows. Many Arabs worship God with sincere prayer. All sincere prayer is
pleasing to God. But those Arabs who will undertake that war and the later
persecution of Christians will be responsible for their own actions. Those
who sin will be punished by God. Those who avoid sin and who worship
God with sincere hearts will have God's blessing and favor. God judges
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