Groups All and New stations are specific system groups that cannot be deleted. Stations/users are 
automatically assigned to these groups. The All group contains all existing stations connected to the 
AVG DataCenter. The group New stations automatically contains all stations that have not yet been 
assigned to any specific group. 
 11.4 Configuration and Display Management 
Client configuration 
The AVG client configuration is divided into two main parts   workstation configuration, and user 
configuration. This separation is extremely important for the whole AVG Anti virus administration. 
Workstation configuration is not transferable, and it is intended for a specific workstation. 
Besides other parameters, it contains information about the list of installed components, the AVG 
Resident Shield configuration, the last update version and date, etc. 
User configuration on the other hand can be transferred   it will be copied to every workstation 
to which the user logs on. This configuration contains mainly the user interface parameter 
The workstation configuration is saved separately from the user configuration, although it is not quite 
obvious on a workstation where AVG Anti Virus is installed. After AVG Anti Virus start up, both 
configurations combine automatically, and the user does not even notice. However, AVGADMIN 
keeps the user configuration unchanged, because it is not specified on which station the user will log 
in next time. 
The workstation receives its configuration information automatically after its first logging into the AVG 
DataCenter. Users then receive their configuration after log in from a workstation that they have 
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