New users contains only users that have not been assigned to any administrator defined
group yet
In the Records section you can then find information related to specific users. Using the tabs, the
information is divided into several categories see the screenshot:
Global settings
The Global settings set includes the possibilities of global tests, plans, and rules maintenance. The
administrator usually needs to create a set of tests/plans/rules and to assign them to individual
users/stations/groups. The Global settings set contains an overview of all tests/plans/rules
registered in the AVG DataCenter. The administrator can then easily change their configuration,
create new tests, plans, or rules, delete the old ones, and assign them to their respective owners.
10.3 Records Section
Within the central table in the Records Section of the screen you can view data of the set specified
within the navigation tree. Some sets may contain a considerable amount of data for a specific record
(e.g. workstation/user information); that is why the relevant data are arranged into groups, and every
group can be displayed when you select the corresponding tab.
To select a record from the central table you need to perform a mouse click over the desired record.
You can select more records at the same time: press the CTRL key (adding a new record to the
current selection), or the SHIFT key (selecting all records between the first and the last highlighted
record). Click the mouse right button over the selected record to open the Context menu. It is
possible to call various actions related to the current selection from the Context menu.
Within the central table of the records section you can use the quick search option: this option allows
searching for records according to the record value specified in the central table first column. The
search is activated by the CTRL+F keyboard shortcut; to confirm the search keyword hit the Enter
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