Quick Reports
The Quick Reports set provides the administrator with structured information divided into the
following categories:
All stations An overview of all stations in the network accompanied with information on station
description, version of the AVG Anti Virus installed on a specific station, the internal database
version, etc.
Inaccurate state stations The station is taken for an Inaccurate state station if at least one
of the administrator specified inaccurate state conditions holds good for that station. These
conditions can be defined by the administrator within the Inaccurate state settings dialog:
The Inaccurate state settings dialog can be accessed from the application's main menu
selecting the option Settings/Settings of stations visible in Quick Reports/Inaccurate
state settings
If there are more stations reported as inaccurate state stations, the administrator can use the
Filtering function to structure the overview and to make it easier to observe. From the main
menu select the Settings/Settings of stations visible in Quick Reports/Filter setting to
open the following dialog window:
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