Currently supported relational database engines are: 
Microsoft SQL Server (connection via ODBC drivers) 
Firebird SQL Server (direct connection via respective drivers) 
Direct client connection to a different database engine 
It is also possible to connect to the above database engines directly using native APIs or ODBC access 
without the AVG TCP Server. This configuration can slightly improve performance but requires that all 
AVG clients have all the necessary libraries (ODBC etc.) and are properly configured. 
For the connection of AVG clients and the AVGADMIN application to the database engine (which is 
acting as AVG DataCenter instead of AVG TCP Server), it is necessary to enter a correct connection 
string. You can generally enter any string into the field of AVG DataCenter connection within the 
Remote Administration component in AVG Control Center. The component parses the string and 
tries to guess what kind of connection it represents. According to the predicted connection, the 
connection mode is chosen. The most common alternatives are offered in a menu that can be opened 
by pressing the 
 button. After selecting the connection mode you have to enter the identification of 
a concrete computer with the server running. 
Connection possibilities are as follows: 
String begins with http:// 
HTTP connection is chosen (AVG TCP Server usage is supposed). String syntax corresponds to 
general URL syntax. 
String begins with direct=firebird 
Module for direct connection to Firebird database server will be used. 
String begins with DSN= 
Specification of data source (Data Source Name) defined on a workstation follows. Module of 
ODBC connection will be used.  
It is necessary to have all the ODBC or direct connection drivers installed on client machines. When 
you are using, for example, ODBC for connecting to MS SQL Server, all of the AVG clients must have 
the corresponding MDAC component installed and configured properly. 
AVG DataCenter configuration for a different database engine 
AVG DataCenter can be stored into a new or currently existing database. The installation SQL scripts 
are available as a part of the AVGADMIN installation; these scripts can be used for creating an empty 
AVG DataCenter in the respective database server. 
The scripts for the AVG DataCenter initialization according to the selected database server are 
generated in the C:\Program Files\Grisoft\DataCenter Scripts directory by default. 
7.10 Number of Clients Connected to AVG DataCenter  
Based on the number of client stations with installed AVG Anti Virus that are connected to the AVG 
DataCenter it is necessary to select the appropriate database type considering the following limitations: 
Embedded Firebird   is a standard part of the AVG Remote Administration installation (no extra 
licence is required); this database is recommended for maximum of 150 client stations 
Copyright (c) 1992 2005 GRISOFT, s.r.o. All rights reserved. 






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