This dialog provides the following control buttons: 
Default settings   returns the dialog parameters to the default settings 
Save data   saves the script template in the .stf format to the selected place on your local disc 
Load data   allows you to read data from a previously saved script template 
Show script   the installation script content will be displayed in a new window 
Create script   compiles and saves the installation script to the selected place on your local disc  
Quit   closes the AVG S Tool application 
Remote network installation 
When selecting the Remote network installation option, AVG S Tool creates an installation script 
and performs AVG Anti Virus installation on all accessible local network workstations. This option is 
available within the Windows NT4/2000/2003/XP Professional (and higher) operating systems 
Before you run the AVG Anti Virus remote installation using AVG S Tool Basic mode, it is 
recommended that you set up the full AVG Anti Virus configuration on the workstation from where the 
AVG S Tool runs (from where the installation will be launched). This configuration will be taken as an 
example configuration template for all network stations. 
The network remote administration can also be launched from the AVGADMIN environment using the 
menu item Service/Install AVG 7 onto stations (in both the Basic/Advanced modes). 
There are the following two tabs within the Remote network installation dialog: 
Settings Tab 
On the Settings tab it is possible to define these installation parameters: 
License information   type in the license data such as Name, Company, and License 
number. If you wish to take the Windows username for the Name field, do not select the 
respective check box, and leave the default system settings to be used. 
Remote administration   define the AVG DataCenter connection string (see chapter 
Clients Connection to AVG TCP Server
). If you use another type of the network administration, 
e.g. Firebird or ODBC, press the 
 button to open a context menu, and select the 
communication type. If you do not want to use the remote administration options and you do 
not plan to install the AVG DataCenter and AVGADMIN, leave the respective check box 
Batch properties  you can specify whether the workstation should reboot after the AVG Anti 
Virus installation is finished (this option is not selected, by default). 
Select the directory containing the batch, script, and the AVG 7.1 setup files  Specify 
the path to the directory where the installation script, the batch and the AVG Anti Virus 
installation files are located. You can either type in the path manually, or press the 
to open a new window; then select the directory from the navigation tree of your local disc. 
The Settings tab provides the following control buttons: 
>>   switches to the following Network tab 
Quit   closes the AVG S Tool application 
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