A Basic DCL Sub mode Procedure
Example 1: To calculate the degree of combined leverage
1. Input the required values from the Setting Values table
(page E 88).
  For this example, use
fc to select 1  SAL ,
input 1200000, and then
press E.
  Use fc to select 2  VC , input 600000, and then
press E.
  Use fc to select 3  FC , input 200000, and then
press E.
  Use fc to select 4  ITR , input 100000, and then
press E.
2. Select the value you want to calculate.
  For this example, use
fc to select 5  DCL .
3. Press  l  to perform the
A Other DCL Sub mode Calculations
Example 2: To calculate the sales amount (SAL), variable
cost (VC), fixed cost (FC), and interest (ITR)
  Use the basic procedure (Example 1), substituting the
required values.
A DCL Sub mode Financial Calculation
Variables (VARS)
  Variables SAL, VC, FC, ITR, and DCL are used in the
DCL sub mode.
  DCL sub mode variable contents are cleared whenever
you change to another mode other than the BEVN Mode
sub modes (BEV, MOS, DOL, DFL, DCL, QTY CONV.).
E 89






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