Chapter 7 Administration
User Management
Step 2
Make the appropriate changes:
a. To change the password, enter a new password in the User Password field.
Naming Guidelines, page 7 5
b. To add the user to a new user group, select it, then click Next. To remove the
user from a user group, select the user group, then click Remove.
Step 3
Click Finish to save the changes.
Related Topics
Set Up and Manage User Accounts, page 7 2
Managing Domains, page 4 49
Create and Manage User Roles, page 7 6
Create and Manage User Groups, page 7 9
Naming Guidelines
When setting up the domains, roles, and users, the following rules must apply:
User Name
Must not exceed 32 characters.
Case sensitive.
Valid entries include any
alphanumeric value and the
underscore symbol.
User Password
5 8 characters.
Valid entries include any
alphanumeric value.
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