Domain Name Pro v5.11
The search term popularity database in Domain Name Pro is derived from a major search engine
provider. This database treats both singular and plural words as the same word and the database
therefore only contails singular words (with a few exceptions). This has two implications:
The search popularity rating for both a singular and plural word is the same.
Only terms with singular words are generated as popular alternative domain names.
You must decide if the particular domain name should contain singular or plural words. For
example, is homeloans.com better than homeloan.com? Use the search term popularity rating as a
guide when deciding upon domain names.
We are investigating several possibilities of adding pluralized words to the thesaurus and popular
terms databases. If a solution is feasible then it will be added to an upcoming version.
See also:
Using Thesaurus Alternatives
Can I Have More Than One Word in The Same Position?
Yes. Word groups can use the exact same position, such as Start/End used twice, or overlapping
positions, such as Start/Middle for one group and Middle/End for another. The mandatory/optional
setting will have an impact on how the word groups will be used. For example, if you set one word
group as position End and make it mandatory, and another word group as position End and make
it optional, then words from the second group will be ignored, as to satisfy the mandatory setting of
the first group means that the End position is already taken.
See also:
Advanced Search
Why is the Popularity Rating Sometimes Zero?
A database of the frequency of 500,000 search engine search terms is used to calculate the
popularity rating. A rating of zero means that the search term is not in the database. This is usually
because either the search term is very common (such as "the" or "and", which are ignored by the
major search engines) or uncommon.
See also:
Popularity Rating
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