Advanced Search
Pattern Search
Whois Search
Advanced Search
4.10.1 Advanced Search
The advanced search gives you ultimate control over how domain names are generated and
checked. You can specify preferences that will limit the domain names to those that most closely
match your criteria.
Word Groups
To perform an advanced search you use one or more word groups. A word group is a list of
alternative words or domain name parts that should not be used together in the same domain
name. For example, if you wanted to search for a domain name like "fresh food" or "tasty food" and
you don t want domain names like "fresh tasty", simply place "fresh" and "tasty" in one word group
and "food" in another.
Each word group has an individual setting for the valid positions of the words in the domain name,
can be specified as optional or mandatory, and the number of
alternatives can be
individually set. Word groups that have no words are ignored.
Word Group Positions
Typically, when searching for a domain name you don t want words randomly put together. Domain
names consisting of a verb or adjective and a noun, or two nouns are usually better in a particular
order, such as "freshfood" instead of "foodfresh" or "tomatoseed" instead of "seedtomato". Word
group positions allow you to restrict the position of words in the domain name.
Each word group can be set to one of the following specific positions within the domain name:
Anywhere (default)
Start or Middle
Middle or End
Start or End
Note that a mandatory word group takes precedence over an optional word group in the same
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