Searching Overview
Six Search Types
Domain Name Pro has six searches to choose from. Each has a different function. To select a
search click the appropriate tab in the centre of the window.
Deciding which search you should use depends on what you are trying to achieve. The following
table lists the searches and their uses.
When To Use
How to Use
If you know the exact domain
Enter the full domain names, or
names that you want to check.
alternatively the URLs or text to
extract the domain names
Simple Words
For quick searches.
Enter several separate words
To generate all combinations of
and select the domains.
the words entered.
If you are a new Domain Name
Pro user.
Word Terms
To search domain names that
Enter one domain name per
you have already devised.
line with the words in the
To quickly find related popular
domain name separated with
domain names.
spaces and select the
To find popular web site
domains, or:
Enter a popular domain name
search wildcard such as web*
and select the domains.
For advanced control over word
Enter groups of related words,
set advanced word group
If you are an regular Domain
options and select the
Name Pro user.
For exact domain name
Devise the base of the domain
generation on a character by
name, add optional and
character basis.
alternate parts, add wildcard
To find any short domain names.
characters and select the
If you are an experienced
Domain Name Pro user.
If you want to extract contact
Enter the full domain names, or
details for potential web sites to
alternatively the URLs or text to
extract the domain names
To save details about a
registered domain name that is
for sale.
Starting a Search
Most of the time you will want to search immediately. Sometimes however it can be beneficial to
schedule a search to start at a later time, such as when performing a large search (thousands of
domain names) which you would like to perform when no one is using your Internet connection,
say late at night.
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