Important Dates in the Lives of Jesus and Mary
The Conception of John the Baptist (September 27)
The most likely time for the conception of John the Baptist was Tishri 24, which was Sept. 27 in that year
(see chapter 5). John's conception is referred to in the Gospel of Luke directly (Lk 1:24) and also indirectly in
the angel's statement to Mary that Elizabeth was in her sixth month (Lk 1:36). This event should be added to
the revised liturgical calendar. The day for this memorial should be September 27 in the liturgical calendar.
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (April 20)
At the time of the Visitation, Jesus was in the womb of the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist was in the
womb of Elizabeth. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is also the Visitation of Jesus to John the Baptist. The
Visitation occurred on April 20, after Mary and Joseph had attended the Passover celebrations at Jerusalem
(see chapter 5). The Visitation should be celebrated on the actual day of the event, on April 20.
The Birth of John the Baptist (June 27)
I do not know the exact date for the birth of John the Baptist. However, I conclude in chapter 5 that the
most probable date for John's birth falls within an 11 day time frame, from June 27 to July 7, of 15
inclusive. Since the celebration of John's conception is placed on Sept. 27 in this revised calendar, the
celebration of his birth should fittingly be placed nine months later on June 27.
John's birth is currently celebrated on June 24. But the Spring Equinox is currently placed on March 20
(Gregorian). So, when the Spring Equinox is called March 23, then the day on which we now celebrate John's
birth, June 24, will be called June 27. The celebration is actually remaining on the same day, but the numbers
of the days of the calendar are being adjusted by 3 days to accord with the Julian calendar during the Ministry
of Christ.
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (January 25)
The beheading of John the Baptist is currently celebrated on August 29. But John the Baptist was martyred
for Christ about the middle of the month of Tevet in the third year of Christ's Ministry. According to Blessed
Anne Catherine, John was beheaded about ten days before Tevet 29, which gives us the approximate date of
Tevet 19 (see chapter 7). In the third year of Christ's Ministry (
18), Tevet 19 coincided with January 25.
Since this is the best information that we have for the date of John's martyrdom, the beheading of John the
Baptist should be remembered and celebrated on January 25.
The Martyrdom of Zechariah and Elizabeth
Zechariah and Elizabeth died on different days, perhaps even in different years. But both Zechariah and
Elizabeth were martyrs for the sake of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ (see chapter 6). The Church should
celebrate their martyrdoms on the same day. I do not have a suggestion as to which day.
Other Celebrations:
All Saints Day and All Souls Day
All Saints Day, currently Nov. 1, and All Souls Day, currently Nov. 2, could remain on those same days, if
the Church so decides. There is no chronological reason (that I know of) to place these celebrations on any
other days. These celebrations could be moved to another month, such as early October, if the Church wishes,
so as not to have too many important celebrations all in one month (in November).
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