The Virgin Incarnation of God 
Elizabeth's sixth month. So, on or before AdarI 28, Elizabeth must have begun her sixth month. The earliest 
opportunity for the conception of John by Zechariah and Elizabeth was probably Tishri 24. And now we see 
that the conception of John must have occurred no later than Tishri 28, so that beginning of Elizabeth's sixth 
month would occur by AdarI 28. 
    This count of the months refers to lunar months, used in the Jewish calendar, of 29 30 days each. Normal 
human gestation is considered to be 38 weeks (266 days), counting from the day of conception.
 Thirty eight 
weeks is almost exactly 9 lunar months (29.5306 days x 9 = 265.78). So if Elizabeth's first month began on 
Tishri 24, one can reasonably call AdarI 24 the start of her sixth month. 
    Jesus was conceived on Feb. 25, and so His Virgin Birth, on Nov. 25, occurred fully nine months after the 
Incarnation (see chapter 4). The time that Jesus was in the womb of the Virgin Mary was nine months, by the 
Christian calendar, and 273 days, rather than nine lunar months (266 days). Of all children born today, 90% 
are born within a four week  time frame of 266 days from conception, plus or minus 2 weeks.
 So, a time 
frame of 273 days (266 days plus 1 week) for the time from the Incarnation to the Birth of Christ is within 
normal limits. 
    According to Blessed Anne Catherine, the year of Christ's Birth was a leap year in the Jewish calendar.
 was a Jewish leap year in the sense that the 13th month of the Jewish calendar occurred during early 15 
 AdarI 28 fell on February 25 that year, and the first day of the following Jewish month, AdarII, would 
have been Feb. 28.
 If it had not been a leap year, then the next month would have been Nisan, and Passover 
would have begun about March 13 significantly before the Spring Equinox. Since the Jews of that time 
period did not permit the Passover to begin much before the Spring Equinox (March 22 or 23, by the Julian 
calendar during that time period), 15 
 must have been a Jewish leap year, with a 13th month, called 
AdarII. The addition of a 13th month was needed every 2 or 3 years in the Jewish calendar, so as to delay the 
month of Nisan and keep the Passover celebration in the spring. (The modern Jewish calendar still uses this 
method of adding a 13th  leap month  every 2 or 3 years.) 
    Counting forward nine lunar months from AdarI 28 brings us to Heshvan 28 (including the leap month of 
AdarII in the count).
 Now we know from Blessed Anne Catherine that the Birth of Jesus Christ occurred on 
Nov. 25, which is 39 full weeks (273 days) after the Incarnation on Feb. 25. This date for the Birth of Christ is 
266 days plus one week from the Incarnation, and so is within the usual time frame for birth of 266 days, plus 
or minus 2 weeks, from conception. In 15 
, Nov. 25 coincided with Kislev 5. Blessed Anne Catherine 
stated that Jesus was born sometime in the month of Kislev.  I think Christ was born in the month Kislev. 
The Day and Hour of the Incarnation 
    Blessed Anne Catherine tells us that the Holy Conception of Jesus Christ occurred about midnight at the 
beginning of February 25. After describing the Virgin Conception of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary, 
she states,  It was at midnight that I saw this mystery happen. 
 Recall that she also saw the Birth of Jesus 
occurring at midnight. 
    Blessed Anne Catherine tells us that the Birth of Jesus Christ occurred on a Sunday, November 25. In any 
year of the Christian calendar (the Julian calendar), February 25 will fall on the same day of the week as 
November 25, except in a leap year. 15 
 was not a leap year in the Christian calendar, and so February 25 
and November 25 both fell on a Sunday. Therefore, the Incarnation of Jesus Christ occurred on a Sunday, the 
same day of the week as Christ's Birth. Jesus was both conceived and born about midnight on a Sunday, the 
beginning of the Christian Sabbath. (By comparison, March 25 and December 25 never fall on the same day of 
the week. December 25 always falls two days of the week later than March 25. When March 25 is a Sunday, 
December 25 is a Tuesday. When March 25 is a Friday, December 25 is a Sunday.) 
The Betrothal of Joseph and Mary 
    In Israel, during Biblical times, the customs surrounding marriage were different than today. In our present 
society, couples who decide to marry are engaged first, and the engagement might last 6 months, or a year, or 
longer. Then, after the wedding ceremony, they immediately begin their married life together. But in ancient 






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