The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
Crucifixion, we can consider whether the length of time between those two dates is correct, lending additional
support to these dates.
The Length of Time from Birth to Crucifixion
Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His Ministry (Lk 3:23). And, as explained in chapter 2, Sacred
Scripture indicates that the Ministry of Jesus Christ lasted about 3 years. Therefore, Jesus was about 33 years
old when He was crucified. Counting back 33 years from
19 brings us to 15
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich gives a more specific age for Christ at the Crucifixion. At the time that
she was receiving visions from God about the Incarnation, she was shown the age of Christ as 33 plus 6,
meaning 33 years plus 6 weeks. She interpreted this to mean that Christ was 33 years and 18 weeks old
counting from His Birth to the Crucifixion because she was shown the vision 3 times (3 x 6 = 18), and because
she generally counted a person's age from birth. However, I interpret this to mean that Christ was 33 years and
6 weeks old counting from the Incarnation to the Crucifixion, with the vision being shown 3 times for
emphasis, not so as to multiply the numbers. Christ's human life began at His Incarnation, not His Birth.
Both Sacred Scripture and the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine agree that the Crucifixion occurred about
33 years after the year of Christ's Incarnation and Birth. The age of Jesus at the Crucifixion fits the dates given
in this book for the years of His Birth and Crucifixion, because these dates are the correct number of years
apart. Any set of dates for the Birth and Crucifixion of Christ which are not 33 years apart cannot be correct.
The fact that 15
19 are 33 years apart adds additional support to these dates.
The evidence of two witnesses, or three, is needed to decide a case (Mt 18:16; Deut 17:6; 2 Cor 13:1). The
same can be said for the conclusions of this book. Two separate arguments are given in support of the
conclusion that Christ was born in 15
These are, in effect, two witnesses for the year of Christ's Birth.
Two separate arguments are given in support of the conclusion that Christ was crucified in
19. These are
two witnesses for the year of Christ's Crucifixion. There are, in effect, two witnesses for each conclusion.
A third line of reasoning provides additional support for these conclusions. These dates are spaced the
correct length of time apart, 33 years. The space between these dates agrees with the age of Christ at the
Crucifixion. Here then is a kind of third witness, so that every case may be decided by the evidence of two
witnesses, or three. These witnesses agree in their testimony that these are the true dates for these events in the
life of Jesus Christ.
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