Important Dates in the Lives of Jesus and Mary 
coincided with a Friday, in agreement with the Gospel of John's description of the Crucifixion (Jn 19:14, 
Pontius Pilate 
     In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea the word of 
God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness .  (Lk 3:1). 
    Sacred Scripture tells us that Pilate was ruler over Judea at the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry. 
Pilate also handed over Jesus to be crucified (Lk 23). So, the Ministry of Jesus took place during the reign of 
Pilate over Judea. The time frame of Pilate's rule over Judea is sometimes used to help ascertain the year of 
the Crucifixion. However, there is some disagreement as to the time frame of Pilate's reign. The majority of 
scholars date the reign of Pontius Pilate over Judea from about 
 26 to 36.
 This range of years is 
consistent with a date of 
 30 or 33 for the Crucifixion. However, Vardaman places the beginning of 
Pilate's rule over Judea as early as 
    In chapter 13 of this book, I present a reasoned argument and substantial evidence in support of a new 
chronology for the years of Tiberius Caesar's reign. In this chronology, the first year of Tiberius' reign is 
counted as 
 1. This chronology places Pilate's first year as ruler of Judea in late 
 11 (or early 
with his ten year rule ending in the winter of 
 21/22, shortly before the death of Tiberius Caesar in March 
 Eusebius, in agreement with Josephus, also tells us that Pilate began his reign over Judea in the 
12th year of Tiberius Caesar.
    The ministry of John the Baptist began during Pilate's reign over Judea (Lk 3:1). The Ministry of Jesus 
began shortly thereafter, lasted for about 3  years, and began and ended under Pilate's reign. So, in this line of 
reasoning, the Crucifixion could not have occurred any earlier than 
 16, nor any later than Pilate's last 
spring in Judea, which was 
 21. But in 
 21, the Passover did not begin on a Friday (See Appendix I, 
Chart 1). Therefore  Christ was crucified sometime between 
 16 and 
 20 inclusive. In 
 18, the 
Passover did not begin on a Friday, so the remaining possibilities are 
 16, 17, 19, and 20. 
    As concluded above, the start of John the Baptist's ministry was in spring of 
 15. Christ's Ministry 
began later that year in the fall of 
 15, and lasted 3  years. This places the Crucifixion in spring of 
 19. The years 
 16 and 17 are too close to the time of the start of John's Ministry for either to be the 
year of Jesus was crucified. The year 
 20 is a year too late to be the year of the Crucifixion. Also, the years 
 17 and 20 would only have had a Nisan 14 Friday if the start of each month was determined by 
observation, not calculation (See Appendix I, Chart 1). I am convinced that dates in the Jewish calendar were 
determined by calculation during this time period (see chapter 17). 
    The year 
 20 could have had a Nisan 14 coinciding with a Friday, if the month of Nisan was delayed 
due to the insertion of a leap month (the month of AdarII, added during Jewish leap years). But such a 
calendar change would only have taken place in 
 20 if the previous winter had unfavorable weather 
(colder or drier than usual) which delayed the maturity of the grain and fruit crops. The grain crop in particular 
had to be ready in time for the offering of the first fruits of grain which takes place during the Passover. If the 
crops were not ready, the Passover and the month of Nisan would have to be delayed by the insertion of the 
leap month of AdarII (just prior to Nisan).
 20 was not the usual year scheduled to have a leap year to 
prevent the Passover from falling before the Spring Equinox. So, for this reason also, 
 20 was most likely 
not the year of the Crucifixion. 
Second Conclusion 
    In this revised chronology, the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar's reign coincides with 
 15, and the reign of 
Pontius Pilate coincided with about the last ten years of Tiberius' reign (
 12 to 21, inclusive). This 
correction of the dates for the reigns of these Roman leaders rules out the usual range of dates given for the 
Crucifixion (
 27 to 36), and give us a new range of dates for the Crucifixion, from 
 16 to 21. This new 
chronology also gives us the date of 
 15 for the start of the ministry of John the Baptist (Lk 3:1). Christ's 
Ministry began about 5 to 6 months later in fall of 
 15. The Ministry of Christ, from Baptism to 
Crucifixion, lasted about 3  years. This places the Crucifixion in the spring of 
 19. In that year Nisan 14 






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