W E B   S E R V I C E S  
You will also find some useful tips on the Jetty website at 
Using JAAS 
JAAS support is configurable across the JettyService instance via specifying the JAAS name 
of the attribute in which the active subject is transported: 
Using Distributed HttpSessions 
What distribution means 
  is an object used in a webapp to store conversational state between 
requests. It is configured in the webapp by specifying  distributable  in it s 
The J2EE specification requires that a  distributable  app may be  migrated  between nodes 
of a cluster   i.e. taken down on one node and brought up on another. Extant 
must continue to be available to the new webapp instance. Many appservers extend this 
functionality from simply allowing migration to providing failover i.e. if a webapp is not 
undeployed from it s node cleanly (eg the  node crashes, hangs, becomes overloaded) it s 
 are still made available to other instances of the same webapp within the 
This extension is problematic since J2EE requires that on being undeployed, a distributed 
webapp should notify 
 attributes implementing 
 before passivating/distributing them. When the 
webapp has been re deployed and it re activates an 
, the same attributes must 
be notified again. If, because of the reuse of this functionality to provide fail over, attributes 
do not receive passivation events on one node before receipt of activation events on another, 
an asymmetry   which would not happen on a fully compliant appserver   occurs. 
The Jetty integration allows the user to specify whether this extended behaviour (called 
 snapshotting ) is required and, if so, exactly what combination of events attributes should 
Configuring it 






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