U S I N G   T H E   J M S   A P I  
11.  Using the JMS API 
Messaging Service for Asynchronous Calls by Hiram 
The JMS API stands for Java  Message Service Application Programming Interface, and it 
is used by applications to send asynchronous  business quality  messages to other 
applications.  In the JMS world, messages are not sent directly to other applications.  
Instead, messages are sent to destinations, also known as  queues  or  topics .  The 
applications sending messages do not need to worry if the receiving applications are up and 
running, and conversely, receiving applications do not need to worry about the sending 
application's status.  Both senders, and receivers only interact with the destinations.  
The JMS API is the standardized interface to a JMS provider, sometimes called a Message 
Oriented Middleware (MOM) system.  JBoss comes a with JMS 1.0.2b compliant JMS 
provider called JBossMQ.  When you use the JMS API with JBoss, you are using the 
JBossMQ engine transparently.  JBossMQ implements the JMS spec fully, and adds few 
extra features, so the best JBossMQ user guide is the JMS specification!  For more 
information about the JMS API please visit the 
JMS Tutorial
JMS Downloads & 
.  This rest of this chapter will assume you are already familiar with JMS 
and it will mainly cover all the JBoss specifics. 
Using JMS with JBoss 
Looking up the ConnectionFactory 
To use JMS in a client application, it is recommended that JNDI
 be used to locate the JMS 
ConnectionFactory objects that create connections to the JBoss JMS provider, JBossMQ.   
Most standalone JMS client applications
 should use the OIL invocation protocol.  The OIL 
uses and optimized socket protocol to communicate with the server.  Listing 11 1, looking up 
 More information about the Java Naming and Directory Services (JNDI) can be found at the java.sun.com web site. 
 A standalone JMS client application is considered to be one that does not run inside the JBoss application server. 






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