C M P   2 . 0  
is declared, the other must also be declared. The read only and read time out elements are 
described in Chapte 4 of the JBossCMP Documentation. 
R e l a t i o n s h i p   R o l e   M a p p i n g  
Each of the two ejb relationship role elements contains mapping information specific to an 
entity in the relationship.  A detailed description of the main elements follows: 
Table 9 3, ejb relationship role Tags 
Tag Name 
ejb relationship role  This is the name of the role to which this configuration  Yes 
applies.  This element must match the name of one of 
the roles declared for this query in the ejb jar.xml file. 
fk constraint 
If true, JBossCMP will add a foreign key constraint to 
No, default is 
the tables.  JBossCMP will only add the constraint if 
both the primary table and the related table were 
created by JBossCMP during deployment. 
key fields 
This specifies the mapping of the primary key fields of 
No, default 
the current entity.  This element is only necessary if 
depends on 
exact field mapping is desired. Otherwise, the key fields  mapping type 
element must
 contain a key field element for each 
primary key field of the current entity. The details of 
this element are described below. 
read ahead 
This controls the caching of this relationship. This 
No, see Chapter 
option is discussed in Chapter 6 of the JBossCMP 
6 of the 
As noted in Table 9 3 the key fields element contains a key field for each primary key field of 
the current entity. The key field element uses the same syntax as the cmp field element of 
the entity, except that key field does not support the not null option. Key fields of a 
relation table are automatically not null, because they are the primary key of the table.  On 
 Note that with foreign key mapping this element can be empty; this means that there will be not be a foreign key for the current entity.  
This is required for the many side of a one to many relationship, such a Gangster in the Organization Gangster example. 






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